Hi! I'm Liam, a software engineer at Marshmallow.
I graduated from Newcastle University in 2020, and have previously worked at Nissan, Amazon and the BBC.
> Press Space to cycle animations <
> Press Here to cycle animations <
> Gallery Quest - Collect cards of famous artworks from the 20th century.
> Geologic timescale - A representation of time based on the rock record of Earth.
> Chess - Offline chess
> MiniKeys - A tiny Javascript Library that plays the piano.
> Polyglot - Easy to access common phrases in lots of languages.
> Delta Dark - A theme for the Delta emulator app.
> Aero* - An aeroplane window for HDR displays
> Algorithms - Animating fundamental algorithms in computer science.
> 2048 - A clone of 2048 written during my placement induction.
> emojiPad - A minimal emoji keyboard.
> Go* - Go board game.
> CodingBat - Solutions to practice programming problems.
> Kino - A mockup cinema website produced during my placement induction.
* work in progress
Newcastle University - Computer Science BSc
09/20 - present - Marshmallow (SE)
07/19 - 08/19 - Amazon (SE)
06/18 - 06/19 - Nissan (SE)
02/18 - 05/19 - BBC (Teacher)